
 Getting Started with Cpanel

The Getting Started Wizard For cPanel versions 11.27/11.28 Once you have logged in, the...

 How do I clear my web browser's cache?

Each time you access a file through your web browser, the browser caches it (stores it). In this...

 How do I get to my Gridhost Client Area?

Your Gridhost client area is a different portal to your cPanel. You can manage your billing...

 How do I log into cPanel?

There are several ways to log into cPanel. The best way depends on if your domain name has...

 How to get on the search engines, Google

You do not need to contact Google to become part of their search engine. Google and other engines...

 Temporary URL

The temporary URL is used when your domain name is not working....

 What are my name servers?

Not sure what the names servers are for your website's domain name? Please read your welcome...

 When will my domain start working? Propagation

If you have a new domain name, you must change the name servers so they point to Gridhost. Name...